GO-Trust FIDO Touch plays as a Relying-party Client (RP Client) of Fast IDentity Online (FIDO), whic
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GoTrust ID
GoTrust ID 是一款透過Windows Hello認證的應用程式。手機透過藍牙連線,讓您快速又安全登入Windows 10。GoTrust ID提供兩種解鎖模式:1.快速模式:使用您的手機,透
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GoTrust ID Business is designed to securely sign into your computer by using your phone, without typ
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動信FIDO RPClient銀行展示程式 1. 動信銀行帳戶登入, 轉帳(帳號, 密碼模式) 2. 綁定生物特徵 (FIDO UAF) 3. 動信銀行FIDO登入, 轉帳(生物辨識模式) 4. 可搭
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